Teresa seeks out distressed properties and distressed sellers to give life back to homes and treat these sellers fairly. This is NOT home flipping. There is no "lipstick on a pig" in our properties. You can trust in our brand to truly rejuvenate our homes with quality craftsmanship and honest conversations. Teresa works with trusted contractors and builders with the highest quality -never cutting corners but truly bringing life and love back into her homes.
Finding Distressed properties & sellers
finding investors
home vision & rejuvenation
Building community
finding the perfect new owner
As much as Teresa loves home and your story... she LOVES building community and creating a neighborhood you can find pride and community in. These are our homes, our neighbors, our parks our community- and she sparks this journey in her ideal neighborhoods.
door to door introductions
listening to stories
understanding the problems
solving the problems
Empowering The Journey Home IS coaching, listening, and caring about peoples stories. We listen to stories and find the perfect home for our clients. Many of our clients are renters turned owners because we take the time to listen, care, and education our clients. Teresa truly believes that home ownership is a wealth building strategy and can give renters freedom from endless dumping of finances into rental properties as well as develop price in ownership and building of strong communities. If you are renting and need coaching and education to understand how you can find financial freedom by becoming a home owner contact us today!
education on real estate
listening to your story
coaching on finances
finding the perfect home